Tuesday, March 23, 2021



"And to all the people who ain't like me, I ain't like me either"

Holy shit! Time fucking flies.  Exactly one year ago today, I was at the lowest point of my life.  The closest I ever was to taking my own life.  Life had lost its purpose and in the midst of a pandemic, I was watching everything crumble around me.  My future looked bleak.  Days were not getting any better.  I felt as if I was all alone.  People, who I essentially harassed to try to make any attempt to ensure my own well being despite being in complete regards to theirs, had given up on me.  I gave up on myself a long time before that and continued to spiral downward with no regards to the people around me as well as myself.  I was searching for outside happiness when I could not maintain it within.  I looked for any light and just hung on to the idea of any potential glimpse of normalcy that I had thought I could achieve.  Then i finally learned that it's ok to not be ok.